Income Disclosure Statement

Income Disclosure Statement

Important Notice: Please Read Before Proceeding

This Income Disclosure Statement is provided to ensure transparency and set realistic expectations for individuals considering the purchase and resale of the Master Resell Rights ("MRR") product offered by Fastrack to Freedom Pty Ltd. This statement is intended to provide information on the potential earnings associated with the resale of the MRR product, but it is not a guarantee of income.

Understanding the Nature of MRR Products:

The MRR product allows licensees to resell the digital content and retain the profits. It is important to note that the success of any resale venture is subject to various factors, including marketing strategies, target audience, and overall business acumen.

Potential Earnings:

While the MRR product offers a lucrative opportunity for income generation, the actual earnings are contingent on the licensee's efforts and market conditions. Some licensees may achieve substantial profits, while others may experience more moderate results or none at all.

Individual Results May Vary:

It is crucial to understand that individual results may vary. Factors such as personal effort, dedication, and effective marketing practices play a significant role in determining the level of success one can achieve. Fastrack to Freedom Pty Ltd. makes no guarantees regarding the financial success or results that may be obtained from the resale of the MRR product.

Legal Counsel Recommendation:

Before embarking on any business venture, including the resale of MRR products, it is advisable to seek legal counsel to ensure a clear understanding of the legal obligations and potential risks associated with such activities.

Risk Factors:

The resale of digital products, while offering a substantial income potential, involves inherent risks. Licensees should be aware of market fluctuations, changes in consumer behavior, and potential legal considerations when engaging in the resale of MRR products.


This Income Disclosure Statement serves as a guide to understanding the income potential associated with the MRR product. Fastrack to Freedom Pty Ltd encourages licensees to approach the resale of MRR products with diligence, awareness, and a commitment to ethical business practices.

By proceeding with the purchase and resale of the MRR product, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Income Disclosure Statement. Fastrack to Freedom Pty Ltd is committed to providing a fair and transparent representation of the potential associated with the MRR product.